
Mail merge letters in word for mac
Mail merge letters in word for mac

This spares you the trouble of manually personalizing each document yourself! A mail merge lets you create personalized documents that automatically vary on a recipient-by-recipient basis. Mail merges are one of the quickest ways to customize documents like emails, newsletters, and other personalized messages.

  • Installing GMass and connecting it to your Gmail account.

  • How to create an email mail merge with GMass.
  • Two problems using MS Word to send mass emails.
  • How to use mail merge with Excel and GMass for emails (walkthrough guide).
  • Previewing and finishing the mail merge process.
  • Creating the main mail merge document in MS Word.
  • Creating and formatting your address list in Microsoft Excel.
  • How to mail merge from Excel to Word to send bulk letters (walkthrough guide).
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of mail merge?.
  • (Click on the links to jump to a specific section) In this article, I’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how to send a letter and email mail merge using an Excel spreadsheet and a Word document. You may then want to use the "Robbins/Mayor" macro to split the generated documents.Want to learn about mail merges and how to perform them?Ī mail merge is an incredibly useful way to send personalized mass letters and emails quickly. The resulting formulae can then be pasted into a macro and run on the output document. If the includes a query string, you may find you want to build it using a formula, based on other data in the source. You need to amend, and to the appropriate cell references. Into a blank column in the first row, and fill down. You then need to put your source data into Excel (if that isn't where you have it already) and put this formula ="Set Rng = ActiveDocument.Content: FindText:="""&""": Anchor:=Rng, Address:="""&""", TextToDisplay:="""&"""" In your table of source data, you need columns place marker, text_for_display, hyperlink The trick is to add a place marker (text that serves as an ID) wherever you want a hyperlink. Note that this only works for DOCUMENT MERGES, not for EMAIL MERGES, since it relies on processesing the output document. There is a simple alternative - indeed the only alternative AKAIK if you want the hyperlink to vary AND the text that is displayed to vary too (not an unreasonable requirement). I have had limited success with the other suggestions - basically, Word is buggy in this area.

    mail merge letters in word for mac

  • I like to style the period text color to white so it looks invisible.
  • You will see the correct link in the address field for each record.

    mail merge letters in word for mac

  • To check that the hyperlinks are mapping, right click on the link display text and click edit hyperlink.
  • Make sure not to delete the period (this is important).
  • Put the insertion point just before the period in ‘Error! Hyperlink reference not valid text.’ and delete all the text except for the period.
  • You now have Error! Hyperlink reference not valid text.

    mail merge letters in word for mac

    The text Error! Hyperlink reference not valid In the Field names list, click Hyperlink,Īnd then click OK.On the Insert menu, click Field (under Quick Parts in later office versions).

    Mail merge letters in word for mac